Therefore, you must avoid inflammation

Why is it that I'm talking about inflammation
when it's about your fertility? - And what do
the two things really have to do with each other?

Inflammation affects pretty much everything in your body

Now you’re probably thinking that fertility is mostly about whether your eggs are good, whether you ovulate at all and whether your hormonal balance is working, right? YES, it does!

BUT the interesting thing is precisely WHAT is the reason why your hormones are not working optimally, that your cycle is out of balance or that your egg quality just lacks the last, to become a healthy and sustainable pregnancy.

There is no doubt that inflammation in your body and in your cells plays a big role in your fertility.

In fact, ALL the nutritional supplements that have evidence behind them when it comes to increasing the chances of pregnancy have anti-inflammatory properties.

That’s thought provoking, isn’t it?


Get the inflammation under control

If your body is out of balance due to inflammation, it uses a lot of resources to fight the inflammation.

Those resources are both about energy, but also about nutrients, which the body should have used to optimize your hormonal balance, your eggs and your general health.

If you e.g. taking some extra supplements to optimize your fertility, but your body is struggling with inflammation, it can be a bit like pouring water into a holey bucket.

You don’t get nearly as much out of what you invest as you otherwise would have. That’s why I always start by getting the holes in your bucket closed. Then you can get much more out of the nutrients you put in it. 

Once we have got the inflammation under control, the body begins to get the resources to build up again and get back into balance.

There is no more ‘hole in your bucket’ and your cells slowly start to become more efficient at producing energy and doing what they need to do.

For your eggs, this means that they are given the opportunity to produce the energy and have access to the hormones that they need to mature properly, and then produce enough energy to divide properly after fertilization.

Then there is also a much greater chance that the little sprout can take hold properly and turn into a healthy and strong little baby.

My approach to fertility is therefore also largely based on an evidence-based method to reduce inflammation in the body.

THREE things you should know about nutritional supplements

We Danes spend an average of over DKK 6,000. on nutritional supplements every year, and a good proportion comes from women who want to increase their chances of getting pregnant. 

Here you will get 3 good tips when you need to find subsidies that actually work…

Do you want to know more about why your body
reacts the way it does?

Let’s have a chat about how your body reacts
and how I can help you towards a
positive pregnancy test