Fertility blog

Af Malene Poulter

Are you overlooking these fertility barriers?

Malene Poulter, 3. jul 2020

Who knows, maybe there are more tests you need to have taken at the doctor? Or maybe you should just pop by the dentist soon? It’s not unlikely that you’ll get the idea after you’ve learned a little more about these 4 fertility barriers, which have unfortunately been a little (a lot) forgotten.

At least I know that before we were finally offered fertility treatment, these 4 fertility barriers were not mentioned with a single word by the doctors. It amazes me a lot, knowing what I know today. And maybe you are today diagnosed with ‘unexplained childlessness’, just like I was? If so, hang in there, even if it gets a bit technical. Because maybe you will find the clue you were just missing in your fertility puzzle.

So make your favorite cup of tea and make yourself comfortable. – Are you ready? The 4 forgotten fertility barriers are here.


Are you an intolerant person? (That is, to certain foods?) It can be difficult to answer this question precisely, as many of us walk around with an undiscovered food intolerance.

It is difficult to know the symptoms, because food intolerance affects everyone differently.
The most well-known food intolerance is of course celiac disease, where you are intolerant to gluten. Studies have shown that between 5 – 8% of unexplained childless women have underlying problems with gluten intolerance.

The problem with food intolerance is that it creates an overactive immune system that increases inflammation in the body. For example, it can damage the lining of the intestines, making them less effective at absorbing nutrients.
When the body can’t absorb nutrients effectively, it creates a breeding ground for mineral and vitamin deficiencies, which can contribute to fertility problems.

One of the most obvious nutrients that is needed is folate, the absorption of which in the intestine is affected by, for example, celiac disease. The lack of folate creates higher levels of homocysteine, which damages egg quality.
A group of researchers also found that the risk of miscarriage was 9 times higher for women with undetected celiac disease (!) Fortunately, the risk is significantly reduced for these women when they completely exclude gluten from their diet. Although food intolerances are not the first test you should prioritize when you are struggling with fertility, it can make good sense to do it if no other explanations have emerged during your examinations. This is especially true for those of you who have had repeated miscarriages or have family members who have celiac disease. But remember, it is worth getting tested for the whole palette, now that you are in the process.


You’ve probably heard of insulin resistance as a precursor to diabetes and a problem for those with PCOS. Insulin resistance is a condition that makes it harder for your body to regulate blood sugar. This is typically a problem for those who are overweight, but it can also affect all of us who aren’t exactly elite athletes.


You could say that the older you are, and the more sedentary and stressed your lifestyle is, the higher the risk that you have underlying problems with insulin resistance. The condition is quite insidious, as you often do not notice any obvious symptoms in your everyday life.
The problem with insulin resistance is first and foremost that it can have a negative impact on your ovulation, which then becomes irregular or completely absent. Often, irregular menstruation also follows in the wake of insulin resistance.
The condition can be difficult to diagnose precisely, as your blood sugar can behave differently from day to day. This is because it is also affected by the quality of your sleep, the amount of exercise, your stress level, your diet that day, etc. You can possibly get an indication by checking your long-term blood sugar.
The best cure for insulin resistance is to eat uncompromisingly stable blood sugar for a long period, as well as to exercise more and build more muscle mass. The more muscle mass you have, the more effectively you can reduce blood sugar after a meal… And the better exercise works to stabilize it. With the right diet, weight training and exercise, you can kickstart a positive spiral. In addition, it is a really good idea to reduce stress in everyday life, as increased cortisol levels also lead to increased blood sugar levels.



Even very mild symptoms of hypothyroidism can dramatically reduce your chances of getting pregnant. Hypothyroidism is actually quite common in women who are inexplicably childless and have ovulation problems.

This will often be checked if you have problems with irregular ovulation and before you start fertility treatment. However, it is still good to know that even small deviations from the norm can have a negative impact on your chances of pregnancy, and therefore it may be worth getting tested for it as early as possible in the process?
Women who test positive for the autoimmune form of hypothyroidism (i.e. for elevated anti-thyroid peroxidase (TPO) antibodies) in the blood also have more than twice the risk of miscarriage early in pregnancy, compared to other women. As mentioned, it also takes longer for this group to get pregnant.
The good news is that as soon as you receive treatment for your low metabolism, you have a nearly normal chance of getting pregnant and carrying a healthy pregnancy.


Yes, it is good enough! Although few people know about this connection between gums and fertility. A study from 2011 shows that it takes longer to get pregnant if you suffer from inflammation of the gums, such as gingivitis, which can develop into periodontitis or, in the worst case, periodontal disease. It has also been shown that these gum problems are more common in those who have been trying to get pregnant for a year or more than in women who get pregnant within 6 months to a year.

The reason for this is that the accumulated bacteria in the gums activate the immune system, which can locally create increased inflammation, which then in turn spreads to your circulation and affects the rest of the body, including your fertility.
The studies also show that there is an increased risk of giving birth prematurely. It is believed that this is because the bacteria from the gums find their way into the amniotic fluid, which in turn locally activates the immune system and can thereby initiate labor.
Fortunately, it is quite easy to get these gum problems diagnosed by your dentist. It is also possible to reduce the inflammation quite quickly with the help of flossing, extra good brushing, and extra dental cleanings until the condition is normalized.


So those were the 4 rather overlooked fertility barriers. Maybe you suddenly felt like having an extra dental check-up? Or having your metabolic rates, your long-term blood sugar and any food allergies checked? Regardless, I hope it gave you a few new thoughts about what the background to your fertility challenges might be?

These barriers are just a few of the ones I look at when researching your body’s current state and history. It’s also one of the reasons I sometimes ask a client to see the doctor again. I also like to look into previous test results in detail before a session. It would be such a shame to overlook a possible reason for your lack of pregnancy that can be very easily remedied.


My method supports your body’s natural ability to rebalance itself, by first and foremost rebalancing your hormones (including your insulin), through optimizing your mineral balance, which in turn acts as a kind of orchestra conductor for both your enzymes, your cells’ ability to produce energy and therefore also for your hormonal balance. Only when your mineral balance has control of the baton is there harmony in the systems.


Rebalancing minerals doesn’t work as quickly as taking a pill, but it targets the underlying imbalances and slowly but surely gets your body back on track. It is therefore much more long-term than just treating symptoms.


It’s truly amazing what the body can do when it gets the resources it needs.


Best regards,
Malene Storm Poulter

Malene underskrift

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